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Refund & Cancellation Policy

At SaasAnt, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality accounting automation solutions and excellent customer service. We understand that sometimes circumstances change, and customers may need to request a refund. This policy outlines our guidelines for refund requests and ensures transparency and fairness for all parties involved

Free Trial:

SaasAnt offers a free trial (you can renew it once), no credit card requirements. You can fully test the platform for free for the mentioned trial period, without charge.

Trial Period
SaasAnt Transactions Online
30 days
SaasAnt Transactions Desktop
30 days
15 days


Partial Refunds:

Once you subscribe to a plan, you’re charged automatically every month/year according to your subscription date.

When you cancel your subscription, you cancel the automatic renewal and we maintain full access to the tool until the end of your billing cycle.

We don't offer a refund for our monthly subscriptions.

You may be entitled to a partial refund if you cancel an annual subscription within the first 30 days of the renewal date. 

In that case, please follow the steps explained for SaasAnt Transactions and PayTraQer and once you’re done, contact us at  We will evaluate if you are entitled to a partial refund. Please note that if you are entitled to a partial refund, this involves an immediate termination of services.

No-Questions-Asked Refunds:

We believe in the quality of our SaaS product and stand behind it fully. If you encounter technical issues, compatibility issues, or are dissatisfied with any aspect of our product, you are entitled to a refund. No questions asked.

Exceptional Circumstances:

We understand that there may be exceptional circumstances that warrant special consideration. If you find yourself in such a situation, please reach out to our customer support team, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs with empathy and understanding.

Refund Processing Time and Methods:

Refunds will be processed promptly upon approval and will be issued using the original payment method whenever possible. Please allow up to 10 business days for the refund to reflect in your account.


Cancellation Process:

To cancel your subscription, please log in to your account on our product and navigate to the "Billing" section. From there, you can initiate the cancellation process by following the prompts provided.

Cancellation Timing:

You may cancel your subscription at any time. Once your cancellation request is received and processed, your access to our platform and services will continue until the end of your current billing cycle.

Automatic Renewals:

Please note that our subscriptions are set to automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle to ensure uninterrupted access to our services. If you do not wish to renew your subscription, please remember to cancel it before the renewal date to avoid being charged for the next billing period.

Data Retention and Export:

Upon cancellation of your subscription, you will have the opportunity to export any data or information stored within our platform, subject to our data retention policies and procedures. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information on data handling and retention.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy or would like to request a refund, please contact our customer support team at

Policy Revision:

We reserve the right to revise our refund policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to the policy will be communicated to customers via email or through our website.


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