Bulk Delete Transactions/Lists in QuickBooks Desktop using SaasAnt Deleter

January 1, 2025

Steps to Search Transactions in QuickBooks Desktop

 If you would like to delete the transactions created manually or by other sources in QuickBooks Desktop, then you can follow the below instructions to delete those transactions.

Step 1:  Select the QuickBooksType (Entity).  Eg: Invoice, Bill, Payment.

Step 2:  Select one of the below Date Type. 

Created Or Modified Date: Transaction or List Entity Creation Date or last updated date  ( The date when the transaction has been created in QuickBooks)

Transaction Date: Date at which the transaction happened. Ex: Invoice Date, Bill Date

Step 3: Select the appropriate Date Range.

Step 4: Click the Search Button.

Step 5: You will get the search results based on the given date range.

Step 6: Click On Delete Button and provide the confirmation to proceed.

Step 7: Associated Transactions/Lists will be deleted and the result screen will be shown with the relevant information.


SaasAnt Deleter allows you to narrow down the search by Customer, Vendor, Accounts, Reference Nos( Invoice No, Bill No, etc.).

Step 1: Click on the "Filter" Tab.

Step 2: Choose the filter Type  (Accounts, Customer, etc) based on your need.

Step 3: Based on your selection, the corresponding references will be populated in the adjacent list (Filter Values).

Step 4: Select the values and save the filter.

Step 5: You can add multiple filters ( Ex: Accounts with Customer Names ).

search transactions from quickbooks desktop

search transactions in quickbooks desktop

search transactions in quickbooks desktop

Delete transactions in QuickBooks Desktop

Automated data Import / Export to QuickBooks Online
Say goodbye to the hassle of managing transactions manually
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