February 6, 2025
Import Fixed Assets from Supported File Formats directly into QuickBooks Desktop using SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) - #1 user rated and Intuit trusted bulk data automation tool built exclusively for QuickBooks.
SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) supports QuickBooks Pro, Premier, Enterprise, and Accountant Editions.
You can download the free trial of the software directly from the SaasAnt Website. Follow this article for detailed installation instruction.
Importing with SaasAnt Transaction is a breeze with our simplified and powerful Import wizard. Just follow a simple 3 step process to bulk import asset items to QuickBooks.
Click the Import button in the Dashboard screen or Import option from the File menu in the menubar to navigate to the File Selection screen of the Import Wizard(Step 1).
Step 1 - File Selection: Select "QuickBooks Transaction Type" as "Fixed Assets". "Select Your File" - You can either click "Browse File" to browse and select the file from the local computer folder or click "Sample Templates" to navigate to SaasAnt sample file locally.
Step 2 - Mapping: Set up the mapping of the file columns corresponding to QuickBooks fields. This step will be automated for you if you use the SaasAnt template file. Download the Sample Template file.
Step 3 - Review & Import: Review your file data in the Review Grid screen and click "Send to QuickBooks" to upload your file data to QuickBooks.
More detailed instructions on the steps are available in this article.
Field Name | Format | Description |
Asset Name | Text (Max Length: 31 Characters) | Name of the asset item. Name must be unique, unless it is the Name of a hierarchical list object. |
Asset Account | Reference Text (Max Length: 31 Characters) | Refers to the account QuickBooks uses to track the current value of the company's inventory. (The AccountType of this account will be FixedAsset, OtherAsset, or OtherCurrentAsset.) |
Asset Acquired As | Text - Old/ New | Indicates whether this item was new or used when the business acquired it |
Purchase Description | Text (Max Length: 50 Characters) | Description of the item as it was when it was purchased |
Purchase Date | Date | The date when this asset was purchased |
Purchase Cost | Decimal | Amount that the QuickBooks user expects to pay when ordering or buying this item, or the amount that was actually paid for this item |
Vendor/ Payee | Reference Text (Max Length: 31 Characters) | The name of the vendor/ payee from whom this asset was purchased |
Sales Description | Text (Max Length: 50 Characters) | |
Sales Date | Date | |
Sales Price | Decimal | |
Sales Expense Amount | Decimal | |
Asset Description | Text (Max Length: 50 Characters) | |
Asset Location | Text (Max Length: 50 Characters) | Where the asset is located or has been placed into service. |
Asset PO Number | Text (Max Length: 30 Characters) | Purchase order number |
Asset Serial Number | Text (Max Length: 30 Characters) | Serial number of the asset |
Asset Warranty Expiry Date | Date | The date when the warranty expires for this asset |
Year End Accumulated Depreciation | Decimal | The amount the fixed asset has lost in value since it was purchased, as of the end of the year |
Year End Book Value | Decimal | A reasonable estimate of the sales value of the fixed asset, as of the end of the year |
Asset Notes | Text (Max Length: 4095 Characters) | Additional information about the asset |
BarCode value | Text | |
Class | Reference Text (Max Length: 31 Characters) | Class reference to this asset |
All (*) marked fields are mandatory.
Import Settings
A host of powerful customisations for your file data is available with Import Settings. This is available in the Step 3: Review & Import screen or directly under "Edit" Menu in the menubar. Some of the very useful settings for lists includes:
Action When a Matched List Found: If an existing list entity is found with the given name then the corresponding action to be taken. You can choose to Show Warning/ Update existing transaction in your QuickBooks.
Pre-Import Validation: Validate the complete file before importing to QuickBooks. By turning this setting ON, file rows will be imported only after cleaning up all the issues in file. This option however will delay the import.
More details about the settings related to managing list import are available in this article.
Most of us would have some questions while moving data to your QuickBooks Online. Some of them for your reference below:
I made some mistakes in the Import and my QuickBooks reports got corrupted. Is there any way to undo or revert my Import?
It is possible to undo the import completely/ partially with the Delete feature.
My file has some specific date format. I don't want to change the file. Will your product support all date formats?
Yes. You can select the specific date format as per your requirement in the import settings.
Do you have any sample templates?
Yes. We do have. Sample Template
What are the file types supported by your application?
TXT, CSV, XLS, XLSX etc. Supported File Formats
How do I report the issues if I am stuck?
Feel free to drop an email to support@saasant.com