File Format Guidelines for SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop)

February 10, 2025

QuickBooks Import file format Guide for SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop)

To import your data into QuickBooks Desktop seamlessly, the ”SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop)” application needs to understand your import data. The following recommendations help you to import your data into QuickBooks flawlessly.

How SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) reads your file?

The first line or first row of your file will be treated as your File Header.

Some of you might have experienced that “SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop)” did not show your file headers on the field mapping screen properly. This will happen only if your file does not have HEADERS in the first row.

If the file does not have any valid headers, You can turn on "Auto Generated Headers" in the mapping screen which enables “SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop)” to create HEADERS (like Excel Headers).

Wrong File Format for QuickBooks Import

Below is an example of the wrong file format that could not be imported into QuickBooks Desktop with SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop). The file header is not aligned properly.

QuickBooks desktop import wrong file format


Just delete the unwanted rows or lines from your file and make the proper file headers in your first line.

Right File Format for QuickBooks Import

The below example is the right file format that can be used to import your bulk data into your QuickBooks desktop using SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop).

QuickBooks desktop import right file format

Supported File Types

SaasAnt Transactions(Desktop) supports the following file formats to import your data into QuickBooks Desktop.

1.  Excel Work Books (.xls, .xlsx)

2.  CSV Files (Comma Separated, “|” pipe separated)

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