January 1, 2025
If your QuickBooks import file has Multiple Line Transactions in Multiple Rows. then you need to follow This Link.
This guide explains how to import Multiple Line Transactions if the details are spread in MULTIPLE COLUMNS.
Let's get into an experiment. We can assume that we need an Invoice with multiple line items as below. Of course, the logic works as same for all types of transactions.
Assuming that we have a file to import to SaasAnt Transactions (Online) like the below example.
In the mapping screen, we need to select "Multi-Line Mapping for Multi-Column" from the Mapping DROP DOWN Box.
Then we need to map FILE HEADERS to QuickBooks Fields. You can map up to 10 Multiple Line Product / Expense Lines using these mapping settings.
If you don't have PRODUCT / SERVICE NAME in a separate column, you can use the DEFAULT EMPTY COLUMN and DEFAULT VALUE in the mapping screen.
In this example, We have mapped "Default Empty Column 1" to Product / Service Name.