January 2, 2025
You can directly import Purchase Orders from text files or Excel spreadsheets into QuickBooks Online using SaasAnt Transactions (Online) software.
Connect your QuickBooks Online account to SaasAnt Transactions (Online) App from QuickBooks AppStore by clicking the "Get App Now" button and get the 30-day free trial [No credit card required].
To import bulk/batch purchase orders into QuickBooks Online using the SaasAnt Transactions (Online) application, follow the steps below
Click on the "Upload File" Menu and upload your file.
Step 1: Select your file and spreadsheet with the Purchase Orders you want to import.
Step 2: Select the QuickBooks entity as Purchase Orders.
Step 3: Set up the mapping of the columns in your Purchase Orders import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks (Refer to section below).
Step 4: Click Import, and your Purchase Orders will be directly added to your QuickBooks company.
The important step in the import is to map your file headers to the QuickBooks field in Step 3. Some key steps are below:
You must map your file headers to "SaasAnt Transactions (Online)" fields. This mapping will enable us to import your transactions properly into QuickBooks company.
In the mapping screen, we have the "Preview Mapping" button, which can help you to visualize your current mappings as per the QuickBooks screen with your file headers.
Please refer basics of field mappings for more info. If you have any confusion or doubts, feel free to email support@saasant.com.
1) Login into SaasAnt Transaction Online
2) Select the New Import Tab.
3) Select Transaction, List, or Attachment to upload your file into QuickBooks.
4) Select the QuickBooks entity as "Purchase Orders."
5) Select the files you want to upload.
6) Set up the Mapping of the columns in your Purchase Orders.
7) Select the "Preview Mapping" button to visualize current mapping based on QuickBooks.
8) Select the "Review" button to view the mapped Excel data according to the QuickBooks file headers.
9) Select the Upload tab.
10) The data was imported successfully into Quickbooks.
Let’s have a look at the SaasAnt Transactions Online Fields.
Field Name | Format | Description |
PO No | 21 Characters | Reference number for the transaction. By default, this value is used only for internal processing by SaasAnt Transactions (Online), and QuickBooks auto-generates a new value. This can be changed in the import settings. |
Payee | Characters | Name of the vendor for this transaction. |
Purchase Order Date | Date | The date entered by the user when this transaction occurred. |
Purchase Order Status | Characters | Purchase order status. |
Due Date | Date | Date when the payment of the transaction is due. |
Ship Via | Characters | |
Ship To | Characters | |
Terms | Characters | Default Terms for this transaction. |
Billing Address Line 1 | 500 Characters | First line of the billing address. |
Billing Address Line 2 | 500 Characters | Second line of the billing address. |
Billing Address Line 3 | 500 Characters | Third line of the billing address. |
Billing Address City | 255 Characters | City name. |
Billing Address Postal Code | 31 Characters | Zip code. |
Billing Address Country | 255 Characters | Country name. |
Billing Address State | 255 Characters | State name. |
Shipping Address Line 1 | 500 Characters | First line of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address Line 2 | 500 Characters | Second line of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address Line 3 | 500 Characters | Third line of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address City | 255 Characters | City name. |
Shipping Address Postal Code | 31 Characters | Zip code. |
Shipping Address Country | 255 Characters | Country name. |
Shipping Address State | 255 Characters | State name. |
Memo | 4000 Characters | The Note about this Transaction. |
Message to Vendor | 4000 Characters | The Note to the supplier about this Transaction. |
Category Account | Characters | Reference to the Expense Account Name associated with the billing. |
Category Description | 4000 Characters | Free form text description of the Expense. |
Category Line Amount | Decimal | The amount of the line item. |
Category Billable Status | Decimal | The billable status of the expense. |
Category Customer | Characters | Reference to the Customer associated with the expense. |
Category Class | Characters | Reference to the Class for the Expense. |
Line Item | Characters | Reference to the Item. |
Line Item Description | 4000 Characters | Description of the Item. It will be populated from Item description entered in QuickBooks Online. |
Line Item Quantity | Decimal | Number of items for the line. |
Line Item Rate | Decimal | The Unit price of the Item. |
Line Item Amount | Decimal | The Total Amount of the Item. Not required if Line Item Quantity & Line Item Rate is present. |
Line Item Billable Status | Boolean | The billable status of the Item. |
Line Item Customer | Characters | The Customer name for the Item. |
Line Item Class | Characters | The Class name associated with this item. |
Accounts Payable Account Name | Characters | Specifies which Accounts Payable Account the bill will be credited to. |
Location | Characters | The Location of the transaction. |
Currency Code | Characters | Reference to the Currency in which all amounts on the associated transaction are expressed. |
Exchange Rate | Decimal | The Exchange Rate of the given currency against the home currency. |
The currency of the transaction is invalid for the customer/vendor/account.
The given Currency is different than the default currency of the vendor. Please refer to the Vendor's Currency in QuickBooks & update the same currency in the Currency Field.
It is possible that the Multi-Currency feature in QuickBooks could be disabled. Please enable the feature.
Required parameter(s) missing:Amount
Please provide at least one Item Line or Expense Account Line Details to process.
No matching Product/Service found (or) could be created for the provided details.
Please provide a valid name in the Product Field.
You might have disabled Import Settings's "Auto Create List Entities" Feature. By enabling this feature, QuickBooks will automatically create the product for the transaction.
Duplicate Document Number Error: You must specify a different number. This number has already been used.
There is another Purchase Order with same reference number. Please use the other reference number.
You have disabled "Assign Transaction Numbers from file" in Import Settings. By enabling this feature, QuickBooks will automatically assign numbers for the transaction.
No matching reference was found for this account.
Please provide a valid Expense account name in the "Account" field.
Invalid account type: You need to select a different kind of account for this transaction.
Please provide a valid Expense account name in the "Account" field.
The amount is missing in the request.
The Line Item amount is missing for the particular line item.
Required parameter Line: Amount is missing in the request.
The Line Item amount is missing for the particular line item.
Please check QuickBooks company settings to see if the appropriate preferences are enabled to upload the current data set successfully. E.g., Shipping, Multi-Currency, etc.
If you have provided a Shipping Address or Currency, please ensure you have enabled the Shipping & Multi-Currency feature in QuickBooks Online.
QuickBooks does not support the requested entity/feature (BillableExpense) per your subscription.
The billable Customer or Expense feature is unavailable for your QuickBooks Online Subscription. Please remove the values in Billable Fields (Expense Billable, Line Item Billable).
No matching reference was found for this customer.
There is no match found for the given Customer Name.
Please enable the "Auto Creation of List Entities (Vendor, Customer)" feature in import settings to create the customer automatically.
No matching vendor found (or) could be created for the provided details.
There is no match found for the given Vendor Name.
Please enable "Auto Creation of List Entities (Vendor, Customer)" feature in import settings to create the customer automatically.
If the currency field has some value, Please enable the Multi-Currency feature in QuickBooks.
Business Validation Error: There is no account associated with the item "XXXXX". Is it marked for purchase, and has an account associated with it?
Please assign the Expense Account for Product / Service "XXXXX" in your QuickBooks Online.
Business Validation Error: You must select a customer for each billable split line.
Please enable the below features in your QuickBooks Online.
Track expenses and items by customer
Make expenses and items billable
Invalid Status value.
Please provide one of the below values
Transaction amount (Sum of line amounts) must be 0 or greater.
Please provide the valid amounts (Non Negative) in Line Item Amount and Expense Amount.