February 10, 2025
QuickBooks Online has a feature that allows users to enter custom transaction reference numbers like Invoice No, Check No &, etc. SaasAnt Transactions (Online) allows users to use the reference numbers from a file and creates relevant transactions with given Reference numbers (Invoice No, Check No).
In this article, we will explain the settings for importing transactions with a custom reference number in QuickBooks Online.
If you want to assign your reference number in Invoices or expenses, you need to enable Custom Transaction numbers in QuickBooks Online.
Follow the steps described in the below link.
If you are new to SaasAnt Transactions (Online), please go through the below links on how to import transactions into QuickBooks and how to map a file.
In the Upload screen, the “Settings” button (red-colored) is available. It will open up a bunch of settings that can help your import.
The one which we interested in currently is “Assign Transaction Reference Numbers (Invoice No, Expense No &Etc.) from file”.
You need to enable (switch on) “Assign Transaction Reference Numbers (Invoice No, Expense No &Etc.) from file” to assign the reference numbers from a file and assign it in your transactions.
If this feature is disabled (switched off), "SaasAnt Transactions (Online)" will ask QuickBooks to assign the reference numbers.
There may be situations where you don’t want to have this feature. You can disable this feature if you face any following scenarios.
The file contains the same reference numbers or serial numbers for every import. This may be common when you manually enter data in the file.
Your transaction is generated from some other tool and it generates without any reference number.
Your file has reference numbers that are not used for tracking.
You want QuickBooks to automatically assign reference numbers.