Import Settings in SaasAnt Transactions (Online)

January 2, 2025

Some import settings were available in the SaasAnt Transactions (Online) application, in which you can enable or disable the following QuickBooks Online Bulk Import features while importing the data from an Excel file. 

General Settings

Auto Create List Entities in QuickBooks 

Suppose the Auto Create List Entities feature is enabled. In that case, the SaasAnt Transactions (Online) application will automatically create Vendors, Customers, Classes, & Locations if unavailable in your QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks Date Format

You can provide the date format used in the Excel file. This will help SaasAnt Transactions (Online) App to convert the dates in the file to a valid date format for QuickBooks Online.

Email me the Import Summary Report

If switched on, SaasAnt Transactions (Online) will email the summary of your QuickBooks import to your email address.

Transactions Settings

Assign Transaction Reference Numbers (Invoice No, Expense No, etc.) from the file.

If the Assign Transaction Reference Numbers feature is enabled, the SaasAnt Transactions (Online) application will assign the Transaction Reference Number to your QuickBooks Online Transactions.

Global Tax Calculation

The method in which tax is applied (Not Applicable for U.S QuickBooks Version).

Find Transactions by QuickBooks Transaction ID for update

Enable this option to find the transactions (Expenses, Receive Payments, etc.) using QuickBooks Transaction Id instead of Reference No (Applicable only for Modify Operation).

Import Transactions with Duplicate Transaction Numbers (Invoice No, Bill No)

Enable this option to import duplicate Reference Numbers for Invoices, Bills, or any other transactions. 

Process each line as an individual Transaction

Each line in the file will be imported as a separate transactions

Convert the Negative amounts to Positive (applicable only for Expenses & Checks) 

Sometimes, the file may have expense amounts in NEGATIVE. But QuickBooks accepts only POSITIVE amounts to record the transactions. By enabling this option, our app converts all harmful amounts to positive.

Truncate the text automatically if it exceeds the allowed limits set by QuickBooks.

Truncate the text automatically if it exceeds the allowed limits of QuickBooks (applicable for Addresses, Notes, Memos, Descriptions for Sales, and Expenses). 

Validation Settings

Notify mismatching amount in Received Payment and Bill Payment for the corresponding Invoice and Bill, respectively

SaasAnt Transactions (Online) will show you an Error if the amount is mismatched between Invoice and Received Payment. The same behavior for Bill and Bill Payment.

Customers Settings

Find Customer by Tax Resale No / Exemption details.

If this feature is enabled, then the SaasAnt Transactions (Online) App will use Tax Resale Number /Exemption details to identify the customers in your Excel Sheet ( Applicable only for U.S QuickBooks Version)

Send Invoice EMAIL to Customers after the successful Import or Update

After the successful import, The created invoices will be emailed to the respective customers.

Update Customer / Vendor Address in QuickBooks from file 

If this feature is enabled, then the SaasAnt Transactions (Online) App will update the Addresses of the Customer or Vendor from the given file while uploading Invoices or Bills.

Vendor / Supplier Settings

Find Vendor by Account No.

If this feature is enabled, the SaasAnt Transactions (Online) App will use the Account Number to identify the Vendors in your Excel Sheet.

Account Settings

Find Account by Account Number

If this feature is enabled, the SaasAnt Transactions (Online) App will identify the charted Accounts in the Excel file using the corresponding Account Number available in QuickBooks Online.

Product / Service Settings

Find Product by SKU

If switched on, SaasAnt Transactions (Online) will use your QuickBooks account's Product/Service 'SKU' value to identify the Product/Service in the uploaded file.

Auto Created Product Type

Select the type of Item to be created automatically when you import transactions (Non-Inventory or Service).

Auto-Created Product / Service Income Account

Enter the Account Name or Account Number of the Sales (Income) Account for auto-generated Item.

Auto-Created Product / Service Expense Account

Enter the Expense Account's Account Name or Account Number for the auto-generated Item.

Inventory Account Name for auto-created products

Enter the Inventory Account Name for the auto-creation of Inventory Products.

Inventory Start Date

Select the Inventory Start  Date for auto creation of Inventory Products. You can leave it to EMPTY if you want to have the current date as the Inventory Start  Date.

Initial Quantity of Inventory Product 

Enter the Initial Inventory Quantity for the auto-creation of Inventory Products. You can leave it to EMPTY to have the  Initial Inventory Quantity as 0.

Journal Entry Settings

Type of the Entity Created automatically for Journal Entry

While Importing Journal Entries, you may need to create Customers, Vendors, or Employees. Select the desired entity to be created. 

Bank Deposit Settings

Type of the Entity Created automatically for Deposits

While Importing Deposits Entries, you may need to create Customers, Vendors, or Employees. Select the desired entity to be created.

Automated data Import / Export to QuickBooks Online
Say goodbye to the hassle of managing transactions manually
Grow exponential with Clear Financial Visibility