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How to Import Chart of Accounts (GL) into QuickBooks Online (U.S)?

Import Chart of Accounts into QuickBooks Online

You can import chart of accounts from text files or Excel spreadsheets directly into QuickBooks Online using the SaasAnt Transactions (Online) application.

Pre Requisites:

Connect your QuickBooks Online account to SaasAnt Transactions (Online) App from QuickBooks AppStore by clicking the "Get App Now" button and get the 30 days free trial [No credit card required].

Steps to Import Chart of Accounts into QuickBooks Online

To import chart of accounts into QuickBooks Online using the SaasAnt Transactions (Online) application, follow the steps below 

Click on the "Upload File" Menu and upload your file.

Step 1: Select your file and spreadsheet which has the Accounts (GL) that you want to import.

Step 2: Select the QuickBooks entity as Accounts.

Step 3: Set up the Mapping of the columns in your Chart of Accounts (GL) import file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks (Refer below Section).

Step 4: Click Import and your chart of accounts will be directly added to your QuickBooks company.

The important step in the import is to map your file headers to the QuickBooks field in Step 3 of the import. 

  • You need to map your file headers to "SaasAnt Transactions (Online)" fields. This mapping will enable us to import your transactions properly in to QuickBooks company.
  • In the mapping screen, we have the "Preview Mapping" button which can help you to visualize your current mappings per the QuickBooks screen with your file headers.
  • Please refer basics of field mappings for more info. If you have any confusion or doubts, feel free to drop an email to

Import Chart of Accounts into QuickBooks Online

How to Import Chart of Accounts into QuickBooks Online using (New User Interface 2.0)

1) Login into SaasAnt Transaction Online

2) Select the New Import Tab.


3)  Select Let's import

4)  Select Transaction, List, or Attachment to upload your file into QuickBooks.

5) Select the QuickBooks entity as "Accounts"

6) Select the files you want to upload


7) Set up the Mapping of the columns in your "Accounts"

8) Select the "Preview Mapping" button to visualize current mapping based on QuickBooks

9) Select the Upload Tab 

10) The data is imported successfully into Quickbooks and select show result to view the transcation.

SaasAnt Transactions (Online) Fields

Field Name
Name21 CharactersName of the Account.
Category TypeCharactersName of the Account Type. E.g. Income, Expense.
Detail TypeCharactersName of the Account Detail Type. E.g. Cash On Hand.
NumberCharactersGL Account Number.
Parent AccountCharactersName of the Parent Account.
Description4000 CharactersFree form text description of the Account.
BalanceDecimalThe Opening Balance Amount.
As OfDate

Category TypePossible Detail Types


Cash On Hand


Money Market

Rents Held In Trust


Trust Accounts

Cash And Cash Equivalents

Other EarMarked Bank Accounts

Other Current AssetOther Current Asset

Allowance For Bad Debts

Development Costs

Employee Cash Advances

Other Current Assets


Investment_Mortgage RealEstate Loans


Investment_TaxExempt Securities

Investment_USGovernment Obligations

Loans To Officers

Loans To Others

Loans To Stockholders

Prepaid Expenses


Undeposited Funds

Assets Available For Sale

Bal With Govt Authorities

CalledUp ShareCapital NotPaid

Expenditure Authorisations And Letters Of Credit

GlobalTax Deferred

GlobalTax Refund

Internal Transfers

Other Consumables

Provisions CurrentAssets

ShortTerm Investments In Related Parties

ShortTerm Loans And Advances To Related Parties

Trade And Other Receivables

Fixed AssetFixed Asset

Accumulated Depletion

Accumulated Depreciation

Depletable Assets

Fixed Asset Computers

Fixed Asset Copiers

Fixed Asset Furniture

Fixed Asset Phone

Fixed Asset PhotoVideo

Fixed Asset Software

Fixed Asset Other Tools Equipment

Furniture And Fixtures


Leasehold Improvements

Other Fixed Assets

Accumulated Amortization


Intangible Assets

Machinery And Equipment


Assets In CourseOf Construction

Capital Wip

Cumulative Depreciation On IntangibleAssets

Intangible Assets Under Development

Land Asset

Non Current Assets

Participating Interests

Provisions Fixed Assets

Other AssetOther Asset

Lease Buyout

Other Long Term Assets

Security Deposits

Accumulated Amortization Of Other Assets



Organizational Costs

Assets Held ForSale

Available For Sale Financial Assets

Deferred Tax


LongTerm Investments

LongTerm Loans And Advances To Related Parties

Other Intangible Assets

Other Long Term Investments

Other Long Term Loans And Advances

Prepayments And Accrued Income

Provisions Non Current Assets

Accounts ReceivableAccounts Receivable

Opening Balance Equity

Partners Equity

Retained Earnings

Accumulated Adjustment

Owners Equity

PaidIn Capital Or Surplus

Partner Contributions

Partner Distributions

Preferred Stock

Common Stock

Treasury Stock

Estimated Taxes


Personal Income

Personal Expense

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

CalledUp Share Capital

Capital Reserves

Dividend Disbursed

Equity In Earnings Of Subsiduaries

Investment Grants

Money Received Against Share Warrants

Other Free Reserves

Share Application Money Pending Allotment

Share Capital



Advertising Promotional

Bad Debts

Bank Charges

Charitable Contributions

Commissions And Fees


Entertainment Meals

Equipment Rental

Finance Costs

Global Tax Expense


Interest Paid

Legal Professional Fees

Office Expenses

Office General Administrative Expenses

Other Business Expenses

Other Miscellaneous Service Cost

Promotional Meals

Rent Or Lease Of Buildings

Repair Maintenance

Shipping FreightDelivery

Supplies Materials


Travel Meals



Cost Of Labor

Dues Subscriptions

Payroll Expenses

Taxes Paid

Unapplied Cash BillPayment Expense


Amortization Expense

Appropriations To Depreciation

Borrowing Cost

Commissions And Fees

Distribution Costs

External Services

Extraordinary Charges

Income Tax Expense

Loss On Discontinued Operations Net Of Tax

Management Compensation

Other Current Operating Charges

Other External Services

Other Rental Costs

Other Selling Expenses

Project Studies Surveys Assessments

Purchases Rebates

Shipping And Delivery Expense

Staff Costs


Travel Expenses General And Admin Expenses

Travel Expenses Selling Expense

Other Expense


Exchange Gain Or Loss

Other Miscellaneous Expense

Penalties Settlements


Gas And Fuel

Home Office

Home Owner Rental Insurance

Other Home Office Expenses

Mortgage Interest

Rent And Lease

Repairs And Maintenance

Parking And Tolls


Vehicle Insurance

Vehicle Lease

Vehicle LoanInterest

Vehicle Loan

Vehicle Registration

Vehicle Repairs

Other Vehicle Expenses


Wash And Road Services

Deferred Tax Expense


Exceptional Items

Extraordinary Items

Income Tax Other Expense

Mat Credit

Prior Period Items

Tax Roundoff Gain Or Loss

Cost of Goods Sold

Equipment Rental Cos

Other Costs Of Service Cos

Shipping Freight Delivery Cos

Supplies Materials Cogs

Cost Of Labor Cos

Cost Of Sales

Freight And Delivery Cost

Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable

Outstanding Dues Micro Small Enterprise

Outstanding Dues Other Than Micro Small Enterprise

Credit CardCredit Card
Long Term Liability

Notes Payable

Other Long Term Liabilities

Shareholder Notes Payable

Accruals And Deferred Income

Accrued Long Lerm Liabilities

Accrued Vacation Payable

Bank Loans

Debts Related To Participating Interests

Deferred Tax Liabilities

Government And Other Public Authorities

Group And Associates

Liabilities Related To Assets Held ForSale

LongTerm Borrowings

LongTerm Debit

LongTerm Employee Benefit Obligations

Obligations Under FinanceLeases

Other LongTerm Provisions

Provision ForLiabilities

Provisions NonCurrent Liabilities

Staff And Related Long Term Liability Accounts

Other Current Liability

Direct Deposit Payable

Line Of Credit

Loan Payable

Global Tax Payable

Global Tax Suspense

Other Current Liabilities

Payroll Clearing

Payroll Tax Payable

Prepaid Expenses Payable

Rents In Trust Liability

Trust Accounts Liabilities

Federal Income Tax Payable

Insurance Payable

Sales Tax Payable

State Local IncomeTaxPayable

Accrued Liabilities

Current Liabilities

Current Portion EmployeeBenefits Obligations

Current Portion Of Obligations Under FinanceLeases

Current Tax Liability

Dividends Payable

Duties And Taxes

Interest Payables

Provision For Warranty Obligations

Provisions CurrentLiabilities

ShortTerm Borrowings

Social Security Agencies

Staff And Related Liability Accounts

Sundry Debtors And Creditors

Trade And Other Payables


NonProfit Income

Other Primary Income

Sales Of ProductIncome

Service Fee Income

Discounts RefundsGiven

Unapplied CashPayment Income

Cash ReceiptIncome

Operating Grants

Other Current OperatingIncome

Own Work Capitalized

Revenue General

Sales Retail

Sales Wholesale

Savings By TaxScheme

Other Income

Dividend Income

Interest Earned

Other Investment Income

Other Miscellaneous Income

Tax Exempt Interest

Gain Loss On Sale Of Fixed Assets

Gain Loss On Sale Of Investments

Loss On Disposal Of Assets

Other Operating Income

Unrealised Loss On Securities Net Of Tax

Please find the Chart of accounts template attached for your reference:

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